Dante Agostini
DADA 2024, excellence in the making!
The 4th Dante Agostini Drums Award took place on 3 and 4 August in Mercatello Sul Metauro, Italy.
The finalists in the 4 categories on offer (junior, Charleston, Drummer and Special Band) played the set piece and then presented a piece of their own choice.
There was a wide variety of styles and sensibilities, but one thing they all had in common was their great technical mastery and remarkable musicality.

Trailer DADA 2024!
Trailer DADA 2024!
A video extract from the competition
Eliott Van Brabandt<br />Vainqueur catégorie Junior
Eliott Van Brabandt
Vainqueur catégorie Junior
Jérôme Raineri<br />Vainqueur catégorie Drummer<br />Epreuve libre
Jérôme Raineri
Vainqueur catégorie Drummer
Epreuve libre