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Dante Agostini
DADA 2023, excellence in the making!

The 3rd Dante Agostini Drums Award took place on 29 July in Mercatello Sul Metauro, Italy.

The finalists in the 4 categories on offer (Junior, Charleston, Drummer and Musicality and Creativity) played the compulsory piece and then proposed a creation of their choice.

A wide variety of styles and sensibilities, but all with one thing in common: great technical mastery and remarkable musicality.

Affiche Finale DADA 2023

A look back at DADA 2023 in photos!

A video extract from the competition

Liiou Gramain-Dupin
Morceau imposé
Catégorie Charleston (18-25 ans)
Liiou Gramain-Dupin
Solo composé de A à Z
Catégorie Charleston (18-25 ans)
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