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Dante Agostini
The Agostini Drum School is the first European drum school created in 1964 by Dante Agostini. Drum lessons are given for all levels, from beginners to professionals.

The Agostini drum schools and courses are located in most major cities in France as well as in Germany, Italy, Greece, Morocco and Switzerland.

The pedagogical legitimacy is ensured under the supervision of the Agostini Paris Center, which delivers the necessary certificates to benefit from the label and defines the main pedagogical axes.

The Agostini drum school: "Shared knowledge for all".

The Dante Agostini School network

The Dante Agostini School network offers courses from beginner to professional through a common teaching system. This is based on the methods created by the founder, Dante Agostini.
Réseau des écoles Dante Agostini

The Methods

Through the 32 books written since 1963 until today, you will find answers to all your questions.
This eclectic and progressive pedagogy is aimed at beginner drummers but also at established professionals, occasional teachers as well as the most renowned teachers.
You will discover the most complete pedagogical tool that has been written for teaching and practicing of drums.
The Agostini method is currently the most widely sold in the world.

Initiation drums, very easy.

Applying sofeggio on drums playing.
Scores and solos on the drums with an original and simple fingering that will allow you to play the 1342 pages of the Agostini studies.

Basic Techniques, coordinations, exercices, solos, indépendance, récapitulations, etc.

Superior technical studies.
Designed for daily work, this method is based on a rhythmic theme played in 97 different ways.
You can use the themes of Syncopated Solfeggio No. 1 by applying these 97 exercises to them.

This method deals with absolute independence with polyrhythms and ternary and binary independence in 4/4, 5/4, 7/4, 9/8 on toms, bass drum, snare drum, hi-hat, etc..

Advanced studies.
Solos in the style and technique of the greatest drummers of today, technical studies, 5/4, 7/4 scores, 5/4, 7/4, 3/4, 2/8 mixes, etc...

This book shows you how to interpret a score and fill in rhythmic phrases in a modern jazz style, is played with CD No. 1: Jazz Rhythm.

30 scores of recording sessions for keyboard, guitar, bass, drums.
See the fingerings in the Volume 1 method.


Résultats des examens pédagogiques 2024
Examens Centre Agostini Paris 18/5/2024
Ont obtenus le D.A.E. (Diplôme d’Adjoint d’Enseignement)Bertrand URROZRomain BOURRIEZCeasar OETTERLIFrancesco PATRIARCAEmmanuel GERVIEROnt obtenus le C.E.S.M.A. (Certificat d’Enseignement Supérieur Des Méthodes Agostini)Liiou GRAMAIN-DUPIN...
DADA 2024 - Dante Agostini Drums Award
Concours Musica&Musica 27/4/2024
La 4ème édition du Dante Agostini Drums Award (DADA) est ouverte dans le cadre du festival Musica & Musica organisé par l’association Musica&Musica à Mercatello sul Metauro en partenariat avec le festival de Jazz de Fano.C’est l’occasion pour tout ba...
Stage d'été au Centre Agostini Paris
Stages Centre Agostini Paris 27/4/2024
Stage d'été du 1er au 5 juillet 2024 dans les studios : 21 Rue Marceau, 92130 Issy-les-Moulineaux, France.Stage intensif du lundi au vendredi - 18 heures de cours - Tous niveaux.Au programme :Etudes de styles sur backing track ;Technique et coordinat...
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